This is an H1 Element
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This is NORMAL text. Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet candy marshmallow chocolate bar. Gingerbread lollipop muffin carrot cake jelly beans I love. I love soufflé croissant lollipop. Lemon drops icing tiramisu lollipop cotton candy toffee marzipan bear claw. Bonbon muffin cotton candy tiramisu I love. Muffin I love pudding fruitcake I love icing fruitcake caramels bonbon. Oat cake candy pastry jelly-o chocolate cake I love dessert. I love candy canes fruitcake I love cookie tiramisu jelly jelly fruitcake.
This is QUOTE text. "A good idea is about ten percent and implementation and hard work, and luck is 90 percent."
The following is a PULL QUOTE or in squarespace a "Quote Web Part" -
““A good idea is about ten percent and implementation and hard work, and luck is 90 percent.””